Axillary pigmented papule in African-American

Presenter: Emily Kate Matthews, D.O.

Dermatology Program: PBCGME

Program Director: Robin Shecter, D.O.

Submitted on: May 10, 2013


CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Axillary pigmented papule

CLINICAL HISTORY: Patient presented with an enlarging pigmented papule of left axilla and chronic headaches. Multiple BCCs on the face and neck were surgically excised. A history of odontogenic keratocysts at age 15.

Bilateral palmar pits, frontal bossing, hypertelorism, marked pectus deformity
left axilla: 0.5cm x 0.4cm pearly papule with pigment globules and superficial telangiectasias on dermoscopy.



MRI brain: negative for medulloblastoma
CXR: bifid ribs present
pelvic ultrasound: no uterine or ovarian masses


Epidermal nodular mass of basaloid cells extending into the superficial dermis with peripheral palisading, clefting, and pigment incontinence.


1.   Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome
2.   Rombo syndrome
3.   Xeroderma pigmentosa
4.   Bazex-Dupre-Christol syndrome

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