Painful, recurrent, bleeding ulcers

Presenter:  Unknown

Dermatology Program: Botsford/McLaren/MSU

Program Director: Annette LaCasse, DO

Submitted on: April 12, 2015


CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Many-year history of painful, recurrent, bleeding ulcers on her bilateral feet

CLINICAL HISTORY: An 18-year-old female with a history of acne and eczema presented with a many-year history of painful, recurrent, bleeding ulcers on her bilateral feet. She stated that she gets blister-like lesions on especially when on her feet a lot during sports seasons. She had never received treatment for the lesions. Review of systems was negative for any malaise, recent illness, shortness of breath, fatigue, weight loss, or weight gain, and positive for hyperhidrosis of the feet. She was otherwise healthy.

Physical examination of the hands and feet revealed normal hands and bilateral bullae on the right and left planter surfaces, along with sites of lateral or rotatory traction.



As diagnosis was made clinically based upon concordant history and physical exam, no labs or imaging were performed.



1.   Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex: Localized (Weber-Cockayne)
2.   Friction Bullae

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