Red nodule
Presenter: Debbbie Palmer, DO and Dimitria Papadopoulos, DO
Dermatology Program: St. Barnabas Hospital Dermatology Department, Bronx, New York
CHIEF COMPLAINT: bilateral lower extremity edema and a growing red nodule
CLINICAL HISTORY: A 45-year-old Black male was presented from the nursing home with a one-week history of bilateral lower extremity edema and a few months of a nonpruritic, progressively enlarging growth on his left foot. This growth has bled with mild trauma. His past medical history is significant for HIV, endocarditis, cardiomegaly, congestive heart failure, intravenous drug abuse, end-stage renal disease, and pneumonia. The patient has not received any previous treatment for his current condition. His medication regimen includes methadone, temazepam, zolpidem, calcium carbonate, calcitriol, folic acid, a multivitamin, ferrous sulfate, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.