Rash on the Penis
Presenter: Matthew Muellenhoff , DO, Thi Tran, DO, Frank Armstrong , DO , Kathleen Soe, DO, Greg Houck, DO , Marya Cassandra, DO
Dermatology Program: Sun Coast Hospital, NOVA Southeastern University
CHIEF COMPLAINT: Rash on the Penis
CLINICAL HISTORY: A 58-year-old uncircumcised white male presented to our dermatology clinic for evaluation of a “rash” on his penis for >5 years. Past medical history was significant for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and coronary artery disease. He had used over the counter products such as Gold-Bond ointment, Vaseline, and cortisone without benefit. Localized irritation with coitus, duration of the “rash” and concern of “what it is” brought him to our clinic.