Skin Irritation of Arms, Face, Ears, and Legs
Presenter: JoAnne M. LaRow. D.O.
Dermatology Program: Northeast Regional Medical Center/KCOM
CHIEF COMPLAINT: Skin irritation of arms, face, ears, and legs of two weeks duration
CLINICAL HISTORY: Patient presented to our clinic for skin irritation first noted on her face that gets itchy when she is overheated. She also endorsed arthralgias and fatigue. Patient is post=partum 15 weeks and delivered twin girls via c-section 2/7/03. Her pregnancy was complicated by hypertension in the third trimester. After delivery, she was started on Lisinopril 20 mg QD (started April 2003). She initially saw her primary care provider for the facial eruption and was started on erythromycin 333mg orally three times a day for ten days. The patient completed this treatment four days prior to presentation to our office and was also applying triamcinolone 0.1# cream two to three times a day. She has noted progressive spreading to her arms, ears, and legs.