Excess skin on hand and foot
Presenter: Reagan Anderson, DO
Dermatology Program: Oakwood Southshore Medical Center
CHIEF COMPLAINT: 6-year-old white female presents to the clinic with masses on left jaw, right hand, and left ankle which have been progressively and symmetrically enlarging for the last 4 years.
CLINICAL HISTORY: Patient presents to our clinic, now at 6 years of age, with concerns that the masses of tissue on the left jaw, right hand, and left ankle have been proportionately growing with child’s age. She is asymptomatic and lesions do not interfere with daily life except for having to buy different sized shoes. So far, cheek and tongue lesions do not interfere with eating or swallowing and do not increase in size when illnesses are present.The patient was initially seen by multiple providers for “excess skin” on her right hand and left foot. Consultation at 3 years of age to Genetic and Metabolic Disorders at the Detroit Medical Center by Orthopedics was not conclusive but a diagnosis of neurofibromatosis (NF) type 1 was entertained. MRI of the left foot was performed at 3 years of age which was read as a likely venous or lymphatic structure. Follow-up with ultrasound was recommended by radiology but not performed. The patient was sent to Ophthalmology and had a normal examination.