Diffuse hypopigmented rash on an eight year old girl
Presenter: Sheena Nguyen, DO
Dermatology Program: Western University of Health Sciences/Chino Valley Medical Center
CHIEF COMPLAINT: White spots all over body
CLINICAL HISTORY: The patient is an eight-year-old girl who presented to the clinic with a three-year history of asymptomatic, hypopigmented macules diffusely spread throughout her body. She denied any preceding illnesses or systemic symptoms. The patient’s mother reported that they had been prescribed and used Triamcinolone 0.1% ointment on the affected areas twice daily for one month, but there was no improvement in her condition. In terms of her medical history, the patient has none of significance. She is currently not taking any medications, and her family history is non-contributory. Socially, she lives at home with her parents, attends elementary school, and denies the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs. There has been no recent travel, and she has no surgical history. Additionally, the patient has no known drug allergies (NKDA).