Pruritic rash with alopecia

Presenter: Peter A. Vitulli, Jr. D.O. ( 2nd Year Resident), Steven Moreno, D.O., Eric Adelman, D.O. (1st Year Residents)
Dermatology Program: Nova Southeastern University / North Broward Hospital District, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Program Director: Stanley Skopit, D.O.
Submitted on: Jun 29, 2002

CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Pruritic Rash With Alopecia


Signs and symptoms:  A 78-year-old African American male presents to the dermatology clinic with a nine-year history of a progressively expanding, mildly pruritic rash on his neck and face. He states the eruption began on his neck and spread to his face. In addition, he complains of progressive hair loss and a chronic cough. He had not sought previous medical attention for this condition.

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Red nodule

Presenter: Debbbie Palmer, DO and Dimitria Papadopoulos, DO, 2nd year residents
Dermatology Program: St. Barnabas Hospital Dermatology Department, Bronx, New York
Program Director: Cindy Hoffman, DO, FAOCD
Submitted on: May 29, 2002

CHIEF COMPLAINT:  45-year-old black male presented with a red nodule


Signs and symptoms:  Patient presented from the nursing home with a 1-week history of bilateral lower extremity edema and a few month history of a nonpruritic, progressively enlarging growth of the left foot, that would bleed with mild trauma. The patient’s past medical history was significant for HIV, endocarditis, cardiomegaly, congestive heart failure, intravenous drug abuse, end stage renal disease, and pneumonia.

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Persistent rough skin

Presenter: Jason Wilder D.O. Debbie Palmer D.O., Cindy Hoffman D.O., Charles Gropper M.D.
Dermatology Program: St. Barnabas Hospital Dermatology Department, Bronx, New York
Program Director: Cindy Hoffman, DO, FAOCD
Submitted on: May 29, 2002

CHIEF COMPLAINT:  “I have rough skin on my neck that won’t go away.”


Signs and symptoms:  MZ is a 52 y.o. F with a 20-year history of non-pruritic, gradually developing lesions on her left neck. The patient denies any previous treatment of these lesions.

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Erythematous nodules on the extremities

Presenter: Paul Ross, D.O., Mark D. Garcia, D. O.
Dermatology Program: Northeast Regional Medical Center
Program Director: Lloyd J. Cleaver, D.O.
Submitted on: Apr 21, 2002

CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Erythematous Nodules on the Extremities


Signs and symptoms: 54-year-old white female presents for in-hospital consultation with erythematous nodules on her forearms bilaterally and her left medial thigh for 2 days duration. The patient reports some associated tenderness and denies any associated pruritis, burning, or discharge. She has had no previous occurrence of similar lesions.

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Multiple papular lesions

Presenter: Rick Lin, DO MPH, Dan Ladd, DO
Dermatology Program: KCOM Dermatology Department
Program Director: Bill Way, DO
Submitted on: Mar 21, 2002

CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Multiple Papular Lesions


Signs and symptoms:  Patient: 38-year-old black female.  The patient presented to the Dermatology Clinic with the chief complaint of multiple lesions on skin. The lesions onset 23 years ago, at age 15. The symptom includes severe itching. The lesions were previously diagnosed as keloids.

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